Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Wins. Welcome to the USSA!

Keep clinging to your guns and religion. They could be our only hope for change.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Missed Opportunity

Of course, I believe that Gov. Palin won the debate tonight. Finally, the McCain campaign let Palin be Palin. The biggest missed opportunity was one of the last questions asked by the "impartial" Gwen Ifill. The question was whether or not there was an issue during your career when you had a change of heart. Biden talked about what he felt the Senate's role was about approving Judicial appointments. He said that he originally believed that the Senates role was to simply verify the nominee's experience, education and the history of their career. Which of course, is their constitutional role. He said that he later chose to apply litmus test based upon their judicial philosophy. He said that he did this while he was Chairman of the Judicial Committee when Robert Bork was before the committee for approval.

Who, other than Sarah Palin, can empathize more with Judge Bork! Gov. Palin has been "borked" more than any other person in recent history. The other thing that Judge Bork and Governor Palin have in common is the reason that they have been "borked".

The right to Life!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout failure aftermath

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D OH 9th) and I actually agree on something - the first time since NAFTA was passed. She and agree that once the dust settles on this bailout fiasco, Congress should create and fund the Emergency Financial Crimes Unit. I believe that Jamie Gorelick should be made chairman of this agency. Yes, this is the same Jamie Gorelick that drafted the "don't ask don't tell" policy while in the Clinton DOD. Also, the same Gorelick that was one of the architects of the wall of separation that enabled the 9/11 terrorist to roam free in the U.S., even though the CIA knew they were here. You read the memo and decide for yourself. Ms. Gorelick was an Asst. Attorney General at that point. And the reason the wall was put up had nothing to do with counter-terrorism efforts. It had everything to do with protecting her boss, President William Clinton, from charges of illegal foreign campaign contributions from the likes of John Huang and Charlie Trie.

The 9/11 Commission was never told of Gorelick's memo, so they could never ascertain what role that may have played on the terrorist attacks. That didn't stop the commission from placing loads of blame elsewhere. Gorelick is Teflon.

From 1997 to 2003, Gorelick was Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae. During her tenure there, Fannie Mae was charged with a $10 billion dollar accounting scandal that resulted in a $9 billion loss. Gorelick made $26,466,834 while at FNMA. Gorelick is Teflon.

This is exactly why I want Gorelick to lead the Emergency Financial Crimes Unit. To remain Teflon, she will give up Raines, Johnson, Frank, Dodd and the others that are guilty of defrauding the U.S. taxpayers out of billions. As far as justice for Gorelick, I will let God decide her fate.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout failure

I am glad the bailout failed. I don't believe that we should let the people that our responsible for this mess to be in control of the bailout. I know that John McCain said that we should be more concerned with fixing the problem rather than fixing the blame. No one is in any hurry to get to the root of the problem. Why? It is because of the racial component that no one wants to discuss.

Review this video that was taped in 2004. The racial component of this issue was clear as early as 2004. The gaul of Nancy Pelosi to blame President Bush and the Republicans for this mess! Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, should be removed from his leadership post(at the very least). He is in this mess way past his eyeballs. One of his ex-boyfriends was an executive at Fannie Mae. Another was running an gay escort service out of Franks apartment. That earned Frank a reprimand in 1990. Frank has a lot of nerve being out in front on this issue. A decent man would have faded to the background by now.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

** Breaking News **

Barak Obama has just been hired as a campaign strategist for McCain/Palin '08.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oil the fuel of Capitalism

Oil is the fuel of Capitalism. Barak H. Obama does not want to drill for more oil. Nancy Pilosi went on vacation to sell her books rather than agreeing to allow her collegues to hear the debate about domestic drilling. Actually, it isn't the debate that she is afraid of - she is afraid that she would loose the vote to the Republicans.

Why don't the Dems want more oil. You do the math. More Oil = More Capitalism. Less Oil=Less Capitalism. Less Capitalism = more Socialism.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Niggardly President

Whoever gets elected President needs to be more niggardly then our current President. The future of our Republic is at stake.

On another topic. Corn is food, not fuel. The current ethanol production is driving food prices up, which is causing unrest in third world countries. When is this madness going to stop?

Speaking of madness. Al Gore is getting rich from the Global Warming Hoax.
His net worth has increased 100 fold since loosing the Presidential campaign.

CO2 is a botanical nutrient. Not a pollutant! Also, many scientist feel that CO2 is a result of warming and not the cause.

Mercury light bulbs are dangerous to your health. Here are the U.S. EPA's instructions on what to do if you break on in your house.
Scary isn't it?

Sorry, I had to rant. It had been a while since I posted.

Have a good day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Test of the Second Amendment

The Supreme Court of the United States heard a case this week whether or not the Washington DC gun ban is unconstitutional. The Attorneys General of 13 States have filed friend of the Court briefs because they know that if the ban is upheld, the rights of their citizens will be violated. This is the most important test of the Second Amendment in my nearly 50 years.

The Second Amendment is very short, but it is the most misunderstood part of the Bill of Rights.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

My thoughts are these. The Bill of Rights were put in order of importance by the Framers. There are three basic reasons Framers felt this was needed; self protection, citizen militias, and the ultimate protection against a tyrannical government. It is of the utmost importance to remember the intent of the Framers when deciding these cases. I hope that the Supreme Justices do as well before making their decision in June. I also hope that in June, we will be reading majority decisions written by Justice Scalia and or Justice Thomas.

The article linked below supports my views:

Our rights to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Global Warming Debate has begun(finally)

The Heartland Institute has sponsored the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change

Those in attendance are skeptics of popular view of Global Warming. Of course the global warming alarmist have compared this group to the Flat Earth Society. This is a typical and predictable tactic that people use when they don't have the facts to support their point of view. The essence of the debate is characterized in the report entitled "Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate"
The report was edited by Fred Singer, the author of the book "Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1500 years"

You may read the report by clicking on the title. I am interested to hear what you think.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A true hero decides not to leave Congress

John Shadegg, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, has decided not to seek another term. He has been serving Arizona's 3rd district since being elected in 1994.

*** Update *** Mr. Shadegg changed his mind on 2/22/2008!!! He is going to run in November.

One of Mr. Shadegg's highest priorities has been the Enumerated Powers Act. Verbiage from John Shadegg's website explains it very well: "The Enumerated Powers Act, H.R. 1359, requires that all bills introduced in the U.S. Congress include a statement setting forth the specific constitutional authority under which the law is being enacted. This measure will force a continual re-examination of the role of the national government, and will fundamentally alter the ever-expanding reach of the federal government."

This bill has been introduced to every Congress starting in 1995. Why wasn't it ever passed? Could it be because the powers that be in Washington don't want their power limited to what the Constitution allows?

I challenge the reader to apply this principle to the "promises" made by the candidates during this Presidential campaign season. If you do not have a pocket copy of the Constitution to which to refer, you may get one free by browsing to http://www.heritage.org/ and clicking on the "We the People" icon.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Maybe it is time to stop creating "Gun-Free Zones". What sense does it make to have places where crazy homicidal maniacs know that no law-abiding citizen will be armed so they have the ability to do their killing without the possibility of being stopped by one of their victims?

Of course, this will give some politicians the incentive to create even more restrictive gun control laws as they still don't realize the unintended consequence of their previous actions.

Economist John Lott discusses this issue in his book "More Guns Less Crime"