Of course, I believe that Gov. Palin won the debate tonight. Finally, the McCain campaign let Palin be Palin. The biggest missed opportunity was one of the last questions asked by the "impartial" Gwen Ifill. The question was whether or not there was an issue during your career when you had a change of heart. Biden talked about what he felt the Senate's role was about approving Judicial appointments. He said that he originally believed that the Senates role was to simply verify the nominee's experience, education and the history of their career. Which of course, is their constitutional role. He said that he later chose to apply litmus test based upon their judicial philosophy. He said that he did this while he was Chairman of the Judicial Committee when Robert Bork was before the committee for approval.
Who, other than Sarah Palin, can empathize more with Judge Bork! Gov. Palin has been "borked" more than any other person in recent history. The other thing that Judge Bork and Governor Palin have in common is the reason that they have been "borked".
The right to Life!
We are privileged to live in the greatest nation that man has created on
earth. This nation was created by men that believed that man was born with
16 years ago