I heard President Obama say during a recent fund-raising speech on the left coast that he wants those who caused these economic problems to quit talking, step aside, and let other people fix them. My question for him is: When are he, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, George Voinovich, Barney Frank, Marcy Kaptur, Chris Dodd and the rest of the ruling class elitists that voted for Porkulas I, TARP, or Cap and Trade(tax) going to step aside, shut up and let the freedom-loving free market captitalists have an opportunity to fix the mess. Let these reformers be limited only by their energy and the U.S. Constitution which is the law of the land. Those in government should consider the Constitution a blueprint and not an instrument that impedes their power.
We the people want our freedoms back!!
We are privileged to live in the greatest nation that man has created on
earth. This nation was created by men that believed that man was born with
16 years ago