Granted there can be a lot blame deflected to those who are responsible for the current housing financing crisis. The genesis of the issue can be traced back to the early stages of the George W. Bush administration as seen here.
As it is implicated in the video and as I have enumerated in the past, much 0f the blame for the current financial crisis can be traced back to the malfeasance of Barney Frank(D), MA and Chris Dodd(D), CT.. I can't believe that both of them were blind-stupid enough not believe any of the predictions that are enumerated in the news story referenced above. I do believe that Sen. Dodd, Rep Barney Frank, and President Obama along with the mainstream media are conspiring to alter the future of our Republic by orchestrating a grand scheme to bring down our capitalist system by overwhelming the system with a unsustainable run on our welfare system.
This is a far cry from the glory days of the modern Democratic Party which can illustrated by the tyraids of Rep. Thomas Lantros(D), CA when he suggested that the Clinton Security Office Chief, Craig Livingstone have a similar outcome that befell Navy Adm. Jeremy Boorda.
Considering the breadth and scope of the problems caused by the malfeasance of Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank, I am sure that fellow Democrat Thomas Lantos would agree that if their demise was similar to that of Adm. Boorda, it would be appropriate. Of course, I believe that it can't happen soon enough.
We are privileged to live in the greatest nation that man has created on
earth. This nation was created by men that believed that man was born with
16 years ago
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